Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Second Chances

My students have had a project for over a month.  They were required to write a paper and prepare a 2 minute statement.  We spent a lot of time in class on it, but many of the papers were deficient and yesterday when the class was to present, they were not ready.  Instead of sacrificing them and ruining their grades, I gave them a reprieve of more time to prepare.

Some of these students were working very hard the whole time on their projects and were ready to go, and some who had also worked hard were not ready to go.  Many of the students though just didn't take the time necessary to do the work that needed to be done.

I do not know what it is.  Perhaps the class is seen as a throwaway, maybe they just don't care, maybe there's so much stuff going on that homework takes an extreme back burner.  I was frustrated with them, and let them know that in the real world there aren't always second chances.  I don't dislike them, I dislike some of the choices that many of the students make.

On the bright side, I have learned some valuable lessons for my world issues project.  Their work will improve and the next project will be much better.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

The Master Key

I remember that when I was a student I always wanted a master key.  My desire wasn't for mischief but convenience.  Being a student leader I was always at the school doing community service and school activities.  Having a key meant convenience.

Now that I am a teacher, I have that master key... but it isn't what I imagined when I was a student.  As a teacher, the master key means you can come in before and after the building is locked.  That time is for work, less than the whimsy I viewed when I was younger.

Don't get me wrong, I love teaching, but having hte master key fantasy fulfilled is like being allowed to spend the night in a toy store, but only because you're the stockboy.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Wow, hoped for more updates

I had a grand plan on updating this throughout the year.  Unfortunately, I didn't realize truly how busy a first year teacher is.  I roll in around 6:15ish and go home around 4.  Then I work on things at home.

Conferences, IEPs, after school tests, before school questions, during school issues... It's a busy life, but I love it.  It is nice to have a career that I love and doesn't (always) feel like work.  I like taking the time to speak to my students and build those positive relationships.  Even students who didn't seem to like me at first are warming up.

I even have students attempting to friend me on MySpace and Facebook.  They asked if I had a MySpace, and I said yes because I knew that they could find it, so why hide it?  I won't friend them because I don't want to see their profiles, and I want to avoid any possible liability/communications that are not controlled by the district, but it is nice to know that they want to friend me.

I plan to update this at least 2 times a week from now on.  I think that is a good goal.