Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Wow, hoped for more updates

I had a grand plan on updating this throughout the year.  Unfortunately, I didn't realize truly how busy a first year teacher is.  I roll in around 6:15ish and go home around 4.  Then I work on things at home.

Conferences, IEPs, after school tests, before school questions, during school issues... It's a busy life, but I love it.  It is nice to have a career that I love and doesn't (always) feel like work.  I like taking the time to speak to my students and build those positive relationships.  Even students who didn't seem to like me at first are warming up.

I even have students attempting to friend me on MySpace and Facebook.  They asked if I had a MySpace, and I said yes because I knew that they could find it, so why hide it?  I won't friend them because I don't want to see their profiles, and I want to avoid any possible liability/communications that are not controlled by the district, but it is nice to know that they want to friend me.

I plan to update this at least 2 times a week from now on.  I think that is a good goal.

1 comment:

the anonymous teacher said...

I made the mistake of adding students on Facebook to see a Miss Anonymous Fan Club they'd created. I instantly took them off the first time I had to go to the assistant principal and show him the picture of the student doing a beer bong.

I also set blogging goals for myself, then I get caught up in the teaching and grading part of the job and don't get to do so. Good luck with your goal. I've made a similar one for myself.